Aside post formats are styled with no title and larger font to make their content stand out and more readable. Use them to emphasize important but short ideas.
Emma Jansen

Image post format
A single image. Either posts’s featured image, if it has one, otherwise the first image block or image tag in the post’s content. When clicked, the image will open in a lightbox rather than redirect to the post’s content.
Status post formats are styled with no title and next to the author avatar, similar to a Twitter update. Try to keep their content short.
Gallery post format
A gallery of images. The first gallery block or gallery shortcode inside the post’s content.
Slideshow gallery post format
Jetpack’s Slideshow block can also be used with the Gallery post format.
“One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know.”
Animal Crackers, 1930
Tiled gallery post format
Jetpack’s Tiled Gallery block can also be used with the Gallery post format.
Link post format
Posts with the link post formats have their title redirect to the first link in the content. Click on their date to navigate to the single post.
Audio post format
An audio file. The first audio or embed block or audio shortcode.
Video post format
A single video. The first video block, video shortcode or embed block in the post content will be displayed.
Embedded video post format
Embed blocks or the embed shortcode also work with the video post format.
Embedded audio post format
Embed blocks also work with the audio post format.
Chat post format
Martin: What’s with all the strange looking words on some of these posts and pages?
Julius: It’s Latin.
Martin: Ah. Do you read Latin?
Julius: Not a word.
Martin: That’s pretty weird then, isn’t it?
Julius: Nope, it’s just there as filler text.
Martin: Like breadcrumbs in meatloaf.
Julius: Sort of, I guess.
Embedded playlist post format
You can also embed playlists and have them displayed in either the audio or video post format.